Plumbing Maintenance: How Often is Enough?

Plumbing Maintenance: How Often is Enough?

Maintaining your plumbing is a crucial aspect of keeping your home or commercial property working efficiently. It not only saves you money in the long run but also assures you of the safety of your family or employees. While regular plumbing maintenance is important, the question many people ask is how often to have it done. In this blog post, we discuss how often you should have plumbing maintenance performed.

Annual plumbing maintenance

Annual plumbing maintenance is the most common recommendation, and it involves having a licensed plumber inspect and service all your plumbing systems, from sewers to water heaters and everything in between. During this inspection, the plumber checks for leaks, signs of corrosion, and replaces any worn-out parts. This helps prevent minor problems from becoming major ones and keeps your plumbing system working efficiently.

Bi-annual plumbing maintenance

If you live in an area that experiences extreme weather conditions, your plumbing system will be more exposed to wear and tear. Extreme heat or cold can cause leaks, cracks, or corrosion, which might require more frequent maintenance. In this case, bi-annual maintenance can help you catch problems early and prevent them from escalating further.

Monthly plumbing maintenance

Monthly plumbing maintenance is recommended for busy commercial properties or buildings with high traffic. This type of maintenance involves regular inspections of water heaters, toilets, and other systems to ensure they are operating at optimum levels. This prevents minor issues from becoming major disruptions, and saves money by reducing downtime and emergency repair costs.

DIY plumbing maintenance

There are also some plumbing maintenance tasks you can do yourself to help keep your plumbing system working efficiently. These include checking for leaks, unclogging drains, and keeping pipes clean and clear of debris. However, it’s important to leave major repairs and maintenance to licensed professionals to avoid causing further damage.

When to call a plumber

Aside from scheduled maintenance, there are some signs that your plumbing system needs immediate attention. These include low water pressure, slow drainage, clogged pipes or toilets, unusual sounds or smells, and signs of water damage. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's important to call a licensed plumber as soon as possible to prevent further damage.


Plumbing maintenance is a critical aspect of keeping your home or commercial property safe, efficient, and cost-effective. The frequency at which you have your plumbing system serviced depends on various factors, such as the type of property you own, the age of your plumbing systems, and the weather conditions in your location. However, regular maintenance is always necessary to prevent minor problems from becoming major disruptions. If you're unsure about how often to have your plumbing system serviced, get in touch with a licensed plumber who can provide you with expert advice.
